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Peaceful and silent forest of San Cristobal de las Casas in Chiapas Mexico, perfect locati

10-Day Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat

3, 6 & 10-Day Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat

With Sasha Medvedovskaya & Kyle Brooks
Dates in 2024:

May 9 - 20
July 4 - 15  

August 1 - 12
November 7 - 14** 

December 19 - 30*

Dates in 2025:

January 2 - 9**    
February 16 - 27
March 21 - 1    
April 17 - 28

* No 3 day option available (only 6 & 10)

** 3 or 6 days only

This silent meditation retreat was specifically created by Hridaya Yoga founder, Sahajananda, to guide people towards an intimate understanding of self-inquiry meditation. The program aims to create an experience resembling a solitary meditation retreat (as in a cave). The silence and relative solitude and absence of distraction supports deep interiorization. In the intimacy with oneself, fostered by these conditions, the heart blossoms open and a living relationship with the essence of ones being becomes obvious. This method is a unique integration of self-inquiry meditation and other non-dual meditative practices coming from the traditions of Advaita Vedanta, Sufism, Tantra, and Dzogchen. In the advanced stages of practice, all paths of authentic spiritual traditions meet harmoniously and merge into the same Ineffable Reality. No previous meditation or yoga retreat experience is necessary as this retreat is designed for beginners and advanced practitioners alike.


Cost Breakdown

10-Day Retreat: Course Fee: 7,450 MXN Meals: (3/day per 10 days + dinner on the arrival day) - 4,780 MXN Accommodation per 11 nights: Option #1: a single bed in a dorm (1 bunk bed - max. 2-4 people per room): 3,575 MXN Option #2: a single bed in a twin room/cabin with a private bathroom: 5,940 MXN *Check below for the Low Income discount TOTAL: Option #1: 15,805 MXN Option #2: : 18,170 MXN 6-Day Retreat: Course Fee: 5,750 MXN Meals: (3/day per 6 days + dinner on the arrival day) - 3,585 MXN Accommodation per 7 nights: Option #1: a single bed in a dorm (1 bunk bed - max. 2-4 people per room): 2,680 MXN Option #2: a single bed in a twin room/cabin with a private bathroom: 4,450 MXN TOTAL: Option #1: 12,015 MXN Option #2: 13,785 MXN ​ 3-Day Retreat: Course Fee: 3,150 MXN Meals: (3/day per 3 days + dinner on the arrival day) - 2,390 MXN Accommodation per 4 nights: Option #1: a single bed in a dorm (1 bunk bed - max. 2-4 people per room): 1,780 MXN TOTAL: Option #1: 7,320 MXN * ! LOW INCOME DISCOUNT ! If you current income is less than 1300 USD - month and your savings are not more than 5000 USD (we count very much on your honesty) we are happy to offer you a special Price for the retreat so you can join us : 11 800 MXN (about 700USD)



This retreat present a practical understanding of non-duality, meditation and an integrative approach to the spiritual life.

Ramana Maharshi’s Atma Vichara method of self inquiry meditation (Who Am I?) Supplementary techniques that help to understand various aspects of meditation, like developing body awareness, calming a restless mind, working with emotions, opening the heart and more. Study of the symbolism of the Spiritual Heart A practical understanding of the non-dual teachings of both Advaita Vedanta and non-dual tantric shaivism. Hatha Yoga sessions in the Hridaya Yoga style. Sacred Poetry The four fundamental stages in the process of the revelation of the Spiritual Heart. Advice for maintaining awareness in the Spiritual Heart in the tradition of the Fathers of the Desert (from Christianity) Daily special Meditations on themes connected with Self-revelation.

“I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God.”

- Rumi


The daily Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat schedule is split into two parts:

A morning session (07:00-13:00) and an afternoon/evening session (15:30-21:30).

07:00-09:00 Meditation

This meditation will begin in smaller segments (for example, with short hourly breaks), building to one continuous, deep meditation session.

09:00-10:00 Breakfast

Breakfast available in the Hridaya Yoga Center Dining Room at 09.15.

10:00-12:30 Q&A and Relevant lecture teaching
12:30-13:45 Hatha Yoga

Practice of techniques, especially those that facilitate the revelation of the Spiritual Heart: a simultaneous (class-like) group practice.

13:45-14:15 Meditation

The revelation of the Spiritual Heart.

14:15-16:00 Lunch and rest

Lunch available in the Hridaya Yoga Dining Room.

16:00-18:30 Meditation

This meditation will begin in smaller segments (for example, with short hourly breaks), building to one continuous, deep meditation session.

18:30-19:30 Dinner

Dinner available in the Hridaya Yoga Dining Room from the 18.15.

19:30-21:15 Spiritual discourse lecture and final evening meditation

A single, gentle bell-ring will mark the end of each meditation or other period, and will signal a short break. A series of bell tones will indicate that the next meditation or other period will begin within two minutes and that it is time to take your seat and cease movement in the hall. A final, single bell will signal the start of a new session. Please do not enter the hall after the final bell has rung.

Please Note: We require a minimum of 7 registrations in order to run a retreat. If this number is not reached 2 weeks before the start of the retreat, the retreat will be cancelled. In such cases full refunds will be offered for deposits and any further payments made.


Knowing others is intelligence;
knowing yourself is true wisdom. 

― Lao Tzu

After Your Retreat

Join our 8-Week Online Integration Course.

Live sessions, community support and pre recorded talks to support your post retreat journey of learning to live the depth of your spiritual insight, understanding and insight in every day life. 

With Kyle & Sasha

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